Cervical Health Awareness Important for All: Trans Men and Genderqueer/Gender Nonconforming People
Transgender is a term for a diverse group of people, for example, Trans- women (male-to-female) and Trans-men (female-to-male), genderqueer people, and numerous others—whose sexual orientation personality or articulation varies from societal desires of how they should look, act, or distinguish in light of the sex they were assigned at birth. Transgender and other gender minority individuals are regularly the objectives of segregation and harassment that can prompt negative wellbeing results.
Transgender individuals face various health disparities and in addition shame, segregation, and absence of access to quality care. Some wellbeing aberrations incorporate an expanded danger of HIV contamination, particularly among transgender ladies of color, and lower probability of preventive malignancy screenings in transgender men.
Anyone with a cervix can contract cervical cancer, so this means that lots of trans men and genderqueer/gender nonconforming people are at risk. But since trans individuals confront far-reaching separation from human services suppliers and protection designs, they frequently abstain from looking for or can't get to preventive care. According to the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, nearly half (48%) of trans men reported postponing or avoiding preventive care out to fear of discrimination and disrespect. One out of five trans men likewise detailed being denied human services on account of their sexual orientation character. Cervical cancer is preventable through regular screening and treatment where necessary, which means that trans men who aren’t getting preventive care are likely at greater risk of developing the disease. (Data: Google)
Transmasculine people who haven’t had lower surgery (procedures like metoidioplasty or phalloplasty) including a total hysterectomy, may often miss out on cervical screening and other sexual health services. However, it is recommended that all trans men and non-binary people who still have a cervix have a cervical screen at least every three years.
Sexual and reproductive health services are often not set up to be inclusive of trans people, and due to a lack of clinical research, it’s not uncommon for GPs to be unfamiliar with the health needs of trans people. Because of this, it’s really important for trans people to have access to clear, relevant health information that can help them to lead healthy, happy lives. And it’s important for medical professionals to have access to this information, too.

Talking to your care provider and knowing you can take your time with things is really important, but feeling informed and having the right information really helps too.
Like lots of other
groups, a lot of activism and community building for trans people happens
online. We hope this blog will become a part of that process, and that it will
help trans masculine people to maintain better cervical
Pamela Acker | Program Manager | Transgender | Cervical Cancer
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