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The term “breast cancer” refers to a malignant tumour that has developed from cells in the breast”. What society does not realize is that men have breasts. If men can have abnormal cell growths in the breast, they are except-able to breast cancer as well. Men should know about the avoidance, conclusions, and medicines for male breast malignancy.

Society links breast cancer to women, but what about the males in our society? Males have breast tissues,'' Boys' and men's bodies normally do not produce much of the breast stimulating hormones. As a result their breast tissue usually stays flat and small. Men usually have mounds of fat breast tissue, but a small percentage can have real breast gland tissue associated from taking certain medications or having an abnormal hormone level. Studies have shown that male breast cancer has increased over 25 years, from 1973-1988 (American Cancer Society, 2008). As for the year 2005, a total of 1,690 male breast cancer cases were reported. Male breast cancer is rare, but the diagnoses are rising each year.

With diagnoses rising each year, how many males know about breast cancer awareness and survival? Most awareness and survival rates are placed upon the women in society today. According to a population based study, survival rate for males with breast cancer less than 65 years old is 75%. As the male body ages, the survival rate is lowered to around 50%. Rather than turning into a measurement for male Breast Cancer, men should know about the hazard factors that prompt breast malignancy.

Getting Older:
Age plays a very big part in the risk factors of breast cancer (Risks and Prevention). Being female also affects your risk of getting breast cancer. Being female is the most important risk factor for getting breast cancer. Although men can develop breast cancer, it is about 100 times more common among women (Risks and Prevention).

Family history of breast cancer:
About 1 in 5 men with breast cancer (20%) have a close relative who has also had breast cancer. Our genes store the biological information we inherit from our parents. The genes most commonly linked to an increased risk of breast cancer in families are BRCA1 and BRCA2. Men in families with the BRCA2 gene are more likely to develop breast cancer than men in BRCA1 families. It’s thought that the BRCA2 gene may cause up to 1 in 10 of breast cancers in men (10%).

Klinefelter syndrome:
Klinefelter syndrome is a condition where men are born with one or more extra X chromosomes. Normally, men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY), while women have two X chromosomes (XX). Men with Klinefelter syndrome have one Y chromosome and two or more X chromosomes (XXY or XXXY). This can cause lower levels of testosterone.
Men with Klinefelter syndrome have a higher risk of breast cancer. For most men, the lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is about 1 in 1,000, but for men with Klinefelter syndrome its closer to 1 in 25.Indications of Klinefelter disorder may incorporate being taller than normal, having expanded breast tissue (gynaecomastia), littler gonads and infertility.
Some medical conditions:
Long-term damage to the liver such as liver cirrhosis can increase the risk of breast cancer in men. Conditions that can damage the testicles – such as having undescended testicles or having mumps as an adult – also increase the risk of breast cancer.

Don’t confuse symptoms with natural aging:
If you have noticed any symptoms that you are concerned about, it is important not to confuse this with the natural aging process. Too many people assume that pain or discomfort is merely a sign of getting older. If there is skin or nipple abnormality, then you should consult a doctor. Equally, so if there is breast tenderness, hardness or enlargement.

There is some evidence that heavy drinking over a sustained period of time increases a man’s risk of developing breast cancer.

Raising awareness of male breast cancer is important for all boys, men and every individual - it can help to improve research. It can also lead to quicker diagnosis and the development of treatment. Breast cancer is something everyone needs to not only be aware of, but to discuss with friends, family, and peers.

Pamela Acker
Program Manager

Tags: BreCeCan 2018Breast Cancer Conference, Cervical Cancer Meeting, Oncology Events


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